Welcome to my Practice

Dance and Movement Therapy

Welcome to my practice

Dance and Movement Therapy

A warm Welcome

A warm Welcome

I am Natalie Thurner, Dance and Movement Therapist and Yoga Teacher

I am fascinated by the interplay of the body in movement and the direct effect on our innermost feelings and I am happy to pass on my enthusiasm for this – whether in groups or individually.

There are an infinite number of movements – discovering them in a very individual and creative way in if-you-will body journeys brings you completely into the now, into the experience of the moment and thus into liveliness.

I am happy to accompany you with empathic individual coaching in dance and movement therapy according to the methods of Life Art by Anna Halprin and Process Work by Arnold Mindell.

It is very important to me to accompany women during their time of wanting to have children. From my own experience when I was trying to conceive, I missed support that involved the body.

Depending on your needs, I can offer you a therapeutic framework, e.g. to find a way of dealing with involuntary childlessness.

Dance and Movement Therapy

Dance and Movement Therapy

How does it work?


Stärke Dein körperliches Selbstvertrauen Kontakt mit Dir in Bewegung


Erlebe Lebendigkeit und löse angestauten Stress, der sich als Anspannung im Körper befindet in der Bewegung wieder auf


Erhalte mehr Beweglichkeit, Flexibilität und Gleichgewicht, stärke Dein Herz und Kreislauf


Erlebe die Verbindung zu anderen Menschen über die gemeinsame Erfahrung mit anderen im Tanz

Psychisches Wohlbefinden

Erlebe den wertfreien Raum in dem Du sein darfst, was gerade stimmig ist


Entdecke Deine eigenen Bewegungen und damit verbunden die Vielfalt und Einzigartigkeit Deines Körpers im Tanz

What my clients say

What my clients say

“Within the individual therapy with Natalie, I was able to experience and deepen the connection between mind and body even more. Dance therapy offers an incredible range of possibilities to unfold my essential body in this human body. Simply wonderful!”

Karin J.

“In Natalie’s classes, I am gently, safely and playfully supported and accompanied in my free development of movement. A blessing for body, soul and spirit.”

Denise G.

“In the individual therapy with Natalie, I experienced the lightness of being again, remembered who I actually am and learned how to keep coming back to myself in my hectic everyday life in order to feel what is good for me.”

Denisa V.

“The lesson with you inspired me to let my movements emerge from within more often – I still like to do that at home today.”

Jasmin K.

“For me, the group course is always the highlight of the week. In winter, when I was struggling with a lot of things, the class grounded me and gave me strength for the days ahead. And on good days, this space always inspires me to keep moving forward in my free dancing.”

Michael R.

For over a year now, I have been undergoing regular movement therapy with Ms. Natalie Thurner as an outpatient treatment for a LongCovid disease. Thanks to her expertise and sensitivity, I have been able to make visible and tangible progress on the road to recovery.

Frau E.



Do something good for yourself?

Would you like to check whether one of my offers suits you, or do you have any questions? Then get in touch with me for a non-binding 20-minute consultation. We’ll find out together whether I’m the right companion for you – free of charge, of course.

You already know which offer is right for you. Then you can book directly by phone or email.